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Yanisoul Store

Abundance Soy Wax Candle

Abundance Soy Wax Candle

Regular price $28.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $28.99 CAD
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Our soy wax candle store offers a unique collection of candles that are specially crafted  Made with natural ingredients and essential oils, Each candle's aroma is carefully designed to stimulate positive thoughts and feelings of abundance, such as our popular cinnamon and clove candle, which is known for its ability to attract wealth and success. As you light the candle, you can focus your intentions on manifesting abundance and prosperity into your life. Our candles are eco-friendly, non-toxic, and long-lasting, making them perfect for daily meditation, prayer, or simply for creating a positive and prosperous ambiance in your home. Shop now and experience the transformative power of our abundance soy wax candles.

Each candle come with a prayer card to set intentions 

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